Other Number Sense Resources:
UILTexas.org: University Interscholastic League -- creators of the Number Sense competition
- AcademicMeet.com: Extensive resource by "Dr Numsen" with practice tests, worksheets, software, and more
- BryantHeath.com: FREE resources include Number Sense Tricks manual & randomly generated HS and MS tests
- RamMaterials.com: Extensive resource by Leo Ramirez with practice tests, worksheets, DVDs, textbooks, and more
- TMSCA.org: Texas Math & Science Coaches Association -- dedicated to expanding access to math competitions. They conduct state contests for HS, MS, and now EL.
UILTexas.org: University Interscholastic League -- creators of the Number Sense competition
- 2018-19 UIL Number Sense Handbook for Contest Directors, Coaches, and Contestants